Some of my Projects

Explore my categorized projects below. The math section includes coding projects like a calculator and Fibonacci series calculator, and the science section has a density calculator.

  • All Projects
  • Math
  • LeetCode
  • HackerRank
  • Python
  • Science

Calculator App

This is the calculator application, where you can do basic operations like adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing.


Density / Mass / Volume Calculator App

In this project, you can view calculate the density of an object by entering the mass and volume. Hope you like it.



In this Python code, it takes a string as input, doesn't use the swapcase function, and returns a new string with swapped cases, converting uppercase letters to lowercase and vice versa.


Fizz Buzz

In this Fizz Buzz project, it takes an integer input and outputs a sequence with specific replacements. Multiples of 3 are replaced with "Fizz," multiples of 5 with "Buzz," and numbers divisible by both 3 and 5 with "FizzBuzz." The resulting series follows these rules.



This Python code takes an integer `n` as input and prints "Not Weird" if `n` is an even number between 2 and 5 (inclusive) or greater than 20. If `n` is odd or an even number between 6 and 20 (inclusive), it prints "Weird."



This Python code takes a non-negative integer n as input. If n is between 0 and 20 (inclusive), it calculates and prints the square of each number from 0 to n-1. However, if n is not within this range, it displays a message asking the user to enter a non-negative integer.


Set .add()

This Python code collects information about countries from the user. It starts by requesting the number of countries to input and then gathers the names, eliminating duplicates. Finally, it displays the count of unique countries.


List Comprehensions

This Python code collects 4 integers from the user. 3 of the integers are the dimensions of a cube, and the 4th integer is a plain integer. The code will then return all of the possible lists where is values in the list do not sum up to the 4th integer.


Remove Element

This Python code removes all instances of the integer "val" from the array "nums" in-place, allowing the element order to change. Return the count of elements in "nums" that are not equal to "val.


Find the Runner-Up Score

This Python code prompts the user for the number of scores and a list of space-separated scores. After removing duplicates and sorting in descending order, it identifies and prints the runner-up score (the second-highest).


Roman to Integer

The code converts a user-input Roman numeral to its integer equivalent, handling proper Roman numeral rules, and provides the result with an option for the user to try again.


Power of Two?

The code checks if a user-entered number is a power of two, handling invalid inputs and providing a True/False result with the original input value.


Power - Mod Power

This Python code calculates and prints the result of a number raised to a power and its modular value based on user inputs.


Integers Come In All Sizes

The code takes user inputs for base exponent pairs, calculates their powers, and then displays the individual powers along with their sum, handling input validation and potential errors.


To Lower Case

A Python script that prompts the user for input, converts it to lowercase using a function, and prints the result with all lowercase characters.


Mod Divmod

In Python, there's a script designed to interactively collect two integer inputs from users, execute division, and furnish both the quotient and modulus outcomes.


Reverse String

This Python script prompts the user for a string represented as an array, reverses its order, and subsequently displays the resulting string.


Nested Lists

This Python script facilitates the process of identifying the second highest score among a group of students.


Turtle Race

A Python program that simulates a turtle race using the turtle graphics module, where multiple turtles move randomly towards a finish line to determine the winner.